Choose individual antenatal visits for reassurance or to discuss birth plans and options.
We offer an Antenatal Care package. This aims to facilitate continuity of care with the same midwives, providing an opportunity for consistent, evidence based advice throughout your pregnancy. Our antenatal care package is a great option for those wanting continuity of care with support and reassurance from your own home. We will work together to ensure that you are well prepared for the arrival of your baby and help you to navigate your options as your pregnancy progresses and you prepare for birth.
Our routine schedule to monitor the wellbeing of you and your baby is every four weeks up until 28 weeks gestation, then as follows:
32 weeks
34 weeks
36 weeks
38 weeks
39 weeks
40 weeks
From 40 weeks gestation, we are flexible and work around your needs and care planning until your baby arrives.
Single Antenatal Visit £180
Antenatal Package: £1800 includes 12 visits for mother and baby.
Adult £40
Child £30
For further information please email
Having a known and trusted source of support through the postnatal period has been proven to enhance your experience by facilitating personalised care.
Thenurturedmothermidwives will nurture and support you and your family on your journey into parenthood based on a mutual relationship of trust and respect.
Postnatal visits last up to 2 hours. Each visit will include the following:
Maternal health and wellbeing
Examination of the newborn
Feeding support
Newborn care
Practical advice and support
Signposting to relevant agencies as required
Our postnatal care package benefits your family by including us on your journey and allowing attention to the smallest of details in your family life as you and your baby get to know eachother. Six visits are included, scheduled around your needs within the first weeks at home with your baby.
Individual postnatal visits are also available as an alternative to the package, or to use to extend your care after the two week package has ended.
We have no deadline to providing care to you and your family and are available for whatever support will benefit you most.
Single Postnatal visit : £220
Two weeks of Postnatal Care: £1,200
Adult £40
Child £30
For further information please email
We will have your pregnancy and delivery notes to go through together. This will allow you the opportunity to gain clarity on your experience with a deeper understanding to move forward with. Reflecting on your birth can be both healing and empowering and we highly recommend this appointment at any time post birth, especially if you plan on having more children in the future.
For more information please email
Reiki is a treatment that anyone can enjoy in the normal course of their life and is safe to use alongside other complimentary therapies, conventional medical treatments and adapted to most conditions, for example in pregnancy.
The principle of reiki is that the body has the innate ability to heal itself, however when it is stressed or ill the body prioritises energy and sometimes cannot heal completely. The aim of a Reiki treatment is to boost the energy within the body to use to heal itself.
Reiki can benefit everyone from young babies to the elderly and is a safe, non invasive treatment to help the body, mind, emotion and spirit. Reiki can enhance everyday living and regular sessions may promote developments of a healthier state of being
Contact Kat
Adult £40
Child £30
With Anita.
I am a mum to two daughters and a practising midwife currently working within the NHS. I have been a nurse since 2005, a midwife since 2009 and a mother since 2017. I am a kind, compassionate person and believe strongly in listening and supporting new mothers in a caring and non-judgemental way. My sense of responsibility to new families grew when I gave birth to first baby, realising it can be a time when families and individuals can feel overwhelmed and isolated. I am committed to supporting people through their pregnancy and parenting journey in a friendly, nurturing and supportive way
I have been a NHS Midwife since 2008 and am a mum of 3. I am passionate about informed decision making, psychological and physical integrity and advocating for body autonomy, with a belief that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. I have extensive experience of working within a range of maternity settings, including with those in the wider health and social care setting. I see myself as a holistic practitioner, empowering those around me at the heart of my approach. I very much look forward to joining you on your journey, with the wonderful Anita who was my chosen midwife for my own babies
Phone 07521498246